Here we tell you everything about the brandnew musical “AGUAÁRIA” and its upcoming premieres on 18.08.2018 in Munich & California!
We protect water.
We empower children.
We connect cultures.
Learn more about how and why Aguaaria came into being
All news about current promotions, new partners, games, videos and more can be found here. The world-wide AGUAÁRIA event takes place on 18.08.2018!
You can also do something for the water, for children and our musical – like the DARING DOLPHINS Children’s and Family Foundation, which provides us with a lot of support for the musical production! Join us!
Hello! My name is Aguaní
Hello, my name is Aguani
I’m a water faery and I will guide you together with my friends Nirea & Nireo across my world. I’m a daughter of the Great Water Spirt – we lovingly call her AGUAÁRIA. It’s been her who gave life to me just as to all other beings on this blue jewel actually – ALSO TO YOU! Why? Because nothing has a chance to survive on this beautiful earth without water. And this is the story of the social impact musical tale AGUAÁRIA
The legend of AGUAÁRIA tells us that human beings, animals and plants used to live together in harmony and balance in ancient times. They took care of each other and everybody took only what was necessary to survive really – and still there was abundance for all beings. At those times mankind was singing and dancing in honor of the water out of deep gratitude for making life possible on Earth. All humans knew about the melody of the water and every child learned this melody it got cradled by. The Spirit of the water – AGUAÁRIA – was blessing all beings with life unconditionally.
But someday mankind began to forget. They started to make war and became greedy. They forgot about their deep connection with nature and AGUAÁRIA, they polluted themselves and their environment……until now.
Most people forgot to be thankful to the water, to love and to protect it. Und nobody recalls us water faeries, what makes me tremendously sad.
The animals of the waters are in great danger.
More and more animals die painfully in oil slicks and fishing nets. They are getting hunted cruelly and decline. If we keep on behaving like this, many life forms will vanish from this planet for ever….not to imagine! But there is hope...
All beings of the ocean unite and call upon help of the Spirit of the Water – AGUAÁRIA. She is beginning to infuse the healing melodies into the water in order to call all humans of a pure heart, specifically children, and reminding them that we all are like drops in a huge ocean - such a huge ocean which has the power to move hearts and transform darkness into light.
Together with the Balinese girl Luh and the boy Kanya from the West a mission is getting initialized to overcome separation and guiding us to a Big Chant with the power inert to change everything.
Also you, become a melody in this great symphony and both support our musical project and protect our precious water.
On the 18th of august 2018 we will have the premiere of this musical. At same time there will be a worldwide movement. Kids and Families from many different countries will come together at oceans, lakes and rivers to sing the healing melodie of AGUAÁRIA. Human all over the world will sing and say thank you to the water and give a sign for a new generation of respect, love and gratitude for all beings and this wonderful planet - specially for our common source: water!
And mother of life itself – AGUAÁRIA wants to remind you:
When singing or listening to the melody of the water you will remember that you are connected with everything that breathes and is alive, and furthermore that it is your task to protect life and to take care of the water just as you do for yourself. If you will sing my melodie - together with thousands of people all over the world at the same time, you will create a big and powerful energyfield, which is more powerful than you dream! A big transformation from head to heart will happen - and that is common transformation from head to heart will be the only way for your species to survive healthy.
Come sing with us this song
of the rivers, lakes and seas
and full of joy there we will dance along
many thousand water fairys
I got a mother in your world as well. Wivvica is her name, to be precise Wiebke Wivvica Matern – she remembered me and all my friends of this story with the purpose of showing you how wonderful our planet Earth is and how important it is to take care of us and our water.
If you feel small and inadequate every once in a while, believe us, you got the power to change everything in life, especially when acting like water: connecting drop by drop until you become a big ocean with the power of polishing a rough stone until it becomes a shining gem stone.
By the way, Nirea und Nireo are like the two dolphin of the Daring Dolphins Children & Family Foundation. They help children who suffer from difficult life circumstances to regain courage by the means of music and art. That’s why the Daring Dolphins support Wivvica in reaching as many people as possible with the legends of AGUAÁRIA!
Donate now
to bring AGUAÁRIA into life and manifestation more and more.
For our water.
For ouer children.
For our world.